Sunday, November 1, 2009

Oh Yeah!

So not only were there a bunch of treats at the Halloween party but there were also a bunch of dressed up kiddos!  I love to think that in 10 years these kids will be coming over to play with Regan and Ayla and we will be able to show them pics we have of them when they were little.

Monica and Ayla

Sweet Peyton!  I don't know what it is about this little boy but I love him sooooo much!

Sweet little Addie!  Such a girl!

There is that cute little Peyton again!

Hey Victor!  I can not say Victor's name without singing Victor Vito!

Regan's BFF Avery!

Is this not the prettiest little girl you have ever seen?  Look out mom and dad you will have boys calling on Taylor in high school!

Victor's new brother David!  He has the cutest smile I just couldn't catch it! :(

My Baby A!

"The Girls"

Hailey, Hailey, Hailey! (Avery can never say her just once and now it has kind of stuck)

Cameron the little Devil!

And we can't forget the little pirate!


Tanner Blake's Blog for school. said...

I love it! Halloween is my favorite time of year to take pictures! Yours are AMAZING! I need lessons :)!

The girls and all their friends are adorable!

Joiner Family said...

Hey there Blake Bunch! How do I read your blog again?

Tanner Blake's Blog for school. said...

Hey! Just email me and I can invite you. :)


Things I've Learned From Regan

  • The altitude is in the mountains
  • Nothing is as fun as water!
  • ...David is HER daddy.